The most popular beach in Coffs Harbour is Park Beach. This large, open-space provides good conditions for both surfers and swimmers but lacks any sort direction or protection from waves coming off the ocean liner that forms part of its shores at certain times during high tide periods when it’s not uncommon to see these types if watercraft rocking up against rocks near shoreline markers like old settling tabs tied onto metal chains designed specifically so they can be easily seen even though there isn’t much else around besides sand dollars lying atop one another waiting patiently until someone.
Jetty Beach is a great spot for families to go swimming. It’s located near the Marina, so you can enjoy protection from ocean swells and calm waters when looking at this beautiful beach!
If you’re looking for a more secluded beach with less people, then Boambee Beach is worth checking out. It’s located to the south of Jetty and on this side there are no rocks or coral reefs that cancut off access into one side like they do at Cabourita Point across from where it becomes difficult getting onto shore due its width restrictions (which may make things easier if we were talking about swimming).
So, you’re looking to go surfing? Well there are plenty of beaches in this area that offer great waves. If not with the ocean then at least near some pretty awesome waterfalls! You can find everything from safe designated swimming areas all along these stretches as well- which makes them popular choices among families who want an afternoon spent enjoyable together away from Technology’s constant demands on our time–to more adventurous ones such Emerald Bay where fishing is allowed but only if done properly; don’t forget your permit first before heading out there though because it”s protected by law.